Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some Cool Events to Educate Yourself and Your Team

Some Cool Events to Educate Yourself and Your Team

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Some Cool Events to Educate Yourself and Your Team

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 01:57 PM PST

Here is our hand-picked list of small business events for the rest of 2012 (in fact, into early 2013).  Yes, we know the Holidays are coming and you may be distracted.  But don’t let the Holidays interfere with enriching your education, and the education of your team — and networking with other business owners.

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Online marketing webinars

November 29 – December 13, 2012

Check out these upcoming online marketing seminars from MarketingProfs:

Five Tools for Creating a Social Media Plan and Forecasting Its Impact November 29 with Rex Briggs

MarketingProfs University: The Daring Brand’s Guide to Creating Content Worth Sharing December 6 with Ann Handley

How to Harness Big Data for your B2B CRM Efforts December 13 with Cyndi W. Greenglass


MacTech Boot Camp
December 5 – Miami, FL

MacTech Boot Camp is a one day event for those that support the home user, and small business market held around the country. MacTech Boot Camp is a single-track, hotel based seminar that is specifically geared to serve the needs of consultants and techs wanting to serve their base better. This event is geared toward those that already support the home and SMB communities, or that want to become a consultant supporting these areas.


AME Small Business Conference
December 10-12, 2012, Grapevine, TX

The SAME Small Business Conference is designed to promote partnerships and contract opportunities between small businesses and Department of Defense (DOD) agencies as well as networking opportunities between small and large businesses. SAME is proud to bring together high-ranking representatives from the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy who all share a common goal of helping small businesses succeed in the DOD market.


New Media Expo
January 6-8, 2013, Las Vegas

NMX, formerly Blog World & New Media Expo, is the first and only industry-wide conference, tradeshow and media event dedicated to providing valuable content for Bloggers, Podcasters and Web TV producers. Pre-register now and receive Super Early Bird rates.


Affiliate Summit West 2013
January 13-15, 2013, Las Vegas

This three day conference includes an exhibit hall with affiliate merchants, vendors, and networks, as well as multiple tracks of educational sessions covering the latest trends and information from affiliate marketing experts.


To find more small business events, contests and awards, visit the Small Business Events Calendar.

If you are putting on a small business event or contest, and want to get the word out, please submit it through our Events & Contests Submission Form (it’s free). Only events of interest to small business people, freelancers and entrepreneurs will be included.

Brought to you as a community service by Small Business Trends and

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Read Adaptability and Learn to Thrive in Any Environment

Posted: 17 Nov 2012 06:00 AM PST

Adaptability: The Art of Winning in an Age of UncertaintyI don't normally review two books by the same author in a single year because getting one book published in a year is often more than any author can do.

But Max McKeown is another story.  I introduced you to Max when I reviewed The Strategy Book , which was really published as part of a series by Financial Times.   Inside the same envelope, I also found Adaptability: The Art of Winning in an Age of UncertaintyAdaptability is Max McKeown’s new book that was also released in 2012.

Become A Conscious Adapter

My friend John is a savvy CEO.  He started a manufacturing company about ten years ago from nothing and has grown it into a multi-million dollar business.  I think that one of the reasons for his success is his ability to stand firm on his mission and values and adapt on everything else.

For example, he's firmly committed to outrageous customer service and having fun with running his business.  And everything else is up for grabs.  He's a master of adapting his business and his life based on what's going on around him.  He does this naturally; it's intuitive for him.

But what about the rest of us?  How important is adaptability and how can we harness it to manage our businesses and our lives in a way that doesn't drive us into extinction?  As you read Adaptability, you'll begin to see patterns and strategies that you can begin to take on inside your own life and business strategy.

You'll find these nuggets of wisdom inside the text that will make you take a moment, put the book down and start thinking about how you're going to remind yourself to do this when you get the opportunity.  Here's one that I found:

Reverse the obvious adaptation:  Speaking the opposite of the prevailing wisdom can create opportunities. 

McKeown uses Levi Strauss as an example.  The company proactively made a commitment to water reclamation and quality back in 1992.  Then in 2007, they took a deeper look at the life cycle of the famous 501 jean and discovered that over 3000 liters of water are used from the production of cotton through the process through keeping them clean.

That's when they went into a partnership with P&G to raise awareness of the benefits of using cold water to wash the jeans. So what's the adaptation here?  Being proactive and saying something and doing something instead of hiding it from their customers – which might have been the default action.

Instead of "Adapt or Die" Think "Adapt and Thrive"

Adaptability is filled with story after story, case study after case study, example after example just like the one I shared here.  The overall lesson of the book is that you don't have to adapt or die as if there isn't any other choice.  You can adapt and thrive because you HAVE choices.

Inside Adaptability, McKeown references millions of years of evolution to create a practical and strategic set of strategies that will change how you think about adaptation.  Instead of adapting because you HAVE to, you can take on adapting because you WANT to.

McKeown Is The Master of Simplifying Strategies

Max McKeown (@MaxMcKeown) is an English writer, consultant and researcher specializing in innovation strategy, leadership and culture. He has written six influential books and conducts research with Warwick Business School.

When I originally introduced you to Max McKeown, I told you that he is known as someone who can take complex ideas and simplify them in a way that gets you engaged and excited about implementing them.  I would have to agree after having read two of his books.

Your Journey Towards Adaptability

Innovation is a popular strategy that business books like to throw around as  a sort of silver bullet to success.  As I was reading, I have to say I found myself wondering what the distinction was between innovation and adaptability.  Here's how McKeown answers that question:

"Adaptability proves that innovation is important, but not enough. The ability to adapt smarter and faster than the situation changes is what makes the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win."

Adaptability is organized into three parts:

  1. Chapters 1 – 6:  Recognizing the need to adapt
  2. Chapters 7 – 11:  Understand necessary adaptation
  3. Chapter 12-17:  Adapt as necessary

I recommend that you have a notebook handy or a highlighter because you're bound to come across cool tidbits of adaptability strategies that you'll want to bring with you as you run your business.

Don't be surprised if you find yourself thinking differently about everything and maybe acting or reacting to things differently after you've read this book.

Adaptability Contains Valuable Lessons For A Broad Audience

This is a book that a broad audience will find valuable; business owners, entrepreneurs, employees and maybe even students.  Adaptability will tickle your brain and get you thinking in new ways about how you might handle things differently.

The post Read Adaptability and Learn to Thrive in Any Environment appeared first on Small Business Trends.

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